Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these

Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these
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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 92: Games, Oldies, Thanksgiving Eve, Reality Check

Oh what a lovely day!
All my kiddoes home together, no school, on Thanksgiving break.
We played a ton of games, I've been wanting to find people to play games with and they've been in my house the whole time!
Well, now they are getting older it's funner and easier to explain and have them follow rules. I also  love just playing the games the way they want to, without any rules, but their own made up ones.
Like with the Phase 10 cards each person picks a card and who ever has the highest wins that round, you do this until they are all gone! Super simple AND it gives them a chance to see/learn numbers and their sequence.
I'm grateful for reality checks, no matter how sad or uncomfortable they may be, I am grateful I got to have one today. Change has happened already because of this reality check.
I'm grateful the kids got to talk to their Grandpa today, they really enjoy talking to him, wish he was able to make it out for the holiday but I'm sure we'll see him soon.
I had fun making the desserts for tomorrows fesitivities and preparing the games etc for the kiddoes.
I'm just so full of gratitude on Thanksgiving Eve.
Pilgrim Hat Treats, I did good!
I'm grateful for my sis taking the time to find/scan/edit pictures from back in the day! Oh man they are awesome. Some are just flippin hilarious, others are tender, fun and a sweet reminder. All this nostalgia though does make me miss being in NZ or closer to the fam, I'm grateful for both the good and bad memories of our childhood together. Least have some, compared to our littles.
oh well....least we have FB...I'm grateful for this connector/unifier.
Off to bed, much to do tomorrow for Thanksgiving....xo
Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
If you're in a different country, just take time today and celebrate all that you are grateful for and give it a voice. Love you~

Nilla Banana Pudding
What are you grateful for? Please do share!

1 comment:

  1. haha I know what you mean about playing games with the kiddos! My little guy is obsessed with the game of Life, except that he just wants to spin the dial and race the little cars. Um, okay...a little different than the rules explain, but he's in heaven and it makes the rest of us laugh, so who cares, right? hehe
