Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these

Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these
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Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 93: Thanksgiving/Black Friday

Today is a day the whole country focuses on gratitude. It's about giving Thanks for all of our blessings and enjoying a feast with family. I'm grateful we were able to be with Dustins family today and enjoy a delicious Turkey dinner. A special thanks to Krystal, Mom and Cory for making such a yummy meal.
I had a blast playing with all of the kids. This holiday is so fun.
I decided to brave the crowds on Black Friday, or should I say Black Thursday with 4 kids....yes you read that right....4!! For those of you who don't know what Black Friday is, it is a day when all the stores it alot of hot items on $500 for $200 and those little trucks for kids to ride on from $250 to $100, AMAZING deals! It's a time of complete insanity basically, there are horror stories. Anyway, I was there for a Trampoline (usually $250 for $180) and one of those Jeeps ($250 to $100), thanks to both our moms and dad for the money. We didn't make it there in time for the tramps, I actually got stuck in a massive crowd because I went to find it AND I didn't even find the dang thing. The Jeep was all "spoken" for and so I found a lovely shop vac for $20!! As I was checking out, someone had left the Jeep there, right in front of me!! Holy cow I was so elated I had to get it! I didn't even think to look if it was a boy or girl one or anything. You see, I've wanted one of these since I was a kid and never was given one and now....Landyn is getting it for his 5th birthday! I'm so excited for him:)
The kids were exceptional, funny 10pm hit and chaos broke, people tearing into plastic and screaming. Kaden: "mom,what's happening?" as they ALL jumped into the cart. Me: "It's just people going crazy for stuff, it'll be over soon." Lol

Landyn: "mom people are soooo excited." Sissy: "mom, I want to leave." Needless to say we were stuck in a crowd for 2hrs!! ick but it was an adventure. We were all relieved to be home  and I made sure to get each of them a special treat, they earned it.

It was a great day.
What are you grateful for? Please do share

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