Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these

Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 90: Laughter, another key to Life

Today I am grateful for following my inner knowing. I'm grateful for trusting myself to know what I need in order to pull through all that has happened.
My children, husband and I are all the better for it and I'm grateful I pushed through the judgmental, useless childhood beliefs that I had been using, they weren't working.
I've learned that I can take other peoples feedback and I still know me and what I need best and to trust me.
On another note, Kaden struggled a little  bit in school today and I was so proud of him for getting such AWESOME grades on his tests! When I say struggle, I'm referring to his inability to focus. His teacher had said she thought he had ADD and frankly I really hate labeling children, but thought maybe?
So we talked to a professional and he advised that he likely does NOT have ADD, but what our sweet little boy is exhibiting is behavior attributed to Abandonment. Uh breaks my heart, but this knowledge empowers me to handle him so differently when it comes to him in school. See, now I get that his zoning out is not a choice he's consciously making, but rather a side effect of what our little man has had to go through, this is his coping mechanism. With this knowledge I approach him with more compassion, patience, boosting on the positive; he really is brilliant!
 He turned 8 on the 1st and she didn't call, nor did she call him back. I think this has been affecting him a bit, but we'll pull him through. I believe with every fiber in me, that he and I chose each other because we knew we were the perfect people for each other. To be there as friends, guides, lights, and to ground one another, I'm grateful for him.

I'm also full of gratitude for playing with my littles, it was so fun building Kinex cars and boats, laughing HARD, you know, the belly laugh. I also really enjoyed making Mili laugh, HARD haha, see video above.

Hey Lili,

Yesterday Kaden was naming all the kids and here's the convo we had:
KJ: Landyn, Sissy, Lili, Kylie
Me: Wait, who?
KJ? Mili (he was confused)
Me: Oh, I thought you said Lili, your Aunt ( he just chuckled)

I share this because when I see Mili, I often think of you. She LOVES swimming and she's only 3mos. AND we call her MILI which is VERY close to Lili.
Funny how you were Alana, Amelia is Amelia but you became Lili and she's become Mili!
She has a few other characteristics that I love about you.
I love that although you are miles away, you are so close to my heart and in my life, especially through my sweet Angel.

Love you Lil'
What are you grateful for today? Please do share!

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