Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these

Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these
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Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 83: FHE and GUN Safety

Today I am grateful for Family Home Evening. I love connecting, teaching, learning, sharing gratitude as a family. All too often busy lives and life in general gets in the way of what's important; family and quality time together. We don't do it on church stuff every time, we teach about whatever is applicable to our lives. Tonight we did an experiment with guns. We've taught our children about gun safety, what to do and not to do, because it is very common for people to not educate their children about gun safety. My rule used to be; uh no guns, duh! However, I realize there are other families who don't have that thinking and may have their guns accessible in their homes; what if my kids are at those peoples houses? I'd rather be safe than sorry. So, a few months back we taught them about gun safety and tonight we put it into affect. We had each child go into the living room to find the guns, while Dustin and I went into our room, watching without them knowing (***disclaimer*** 4 toy guns and only one unloaded gun, real bullets toy bullets were used, we obviously double checked to make sure there could be no accidents)
Anyways, Kaden (8yrs) did great, he didn't touch the real gun, he kept saying, "ooo that's real I don't want to touch that." and  HE DIDN"T! He did pick up a bullet and then quickly put it down. Landyn (5yrs old) went next and when he found the gun, he was like, oo a real gun and ran it into us. Axzona just kept looking at it freaked out, and DID NOT touch.
The point of this exercise was to see what rules were really sinking in and sticking in their minds. The "Don't Touch/Leave Alone" stuck for Sis and Kaden. BTW toy guns ALL have an orange tip, Landyn and Kaden remembered this but Sis wasn't sure, she just asked us if it was real or not. Landyn was the only one who remembered to "TELL AN ADULT" but he touched it.
This practice was perfect because we knew exactly what rule to review. ie When telling an adult, don't touch it, leave it there and tell. Orange tip fact and bullet safety, LEAVE ALONE.
I'm a big believer in practice makes perfect. We'll be doing a fire drill one of these nights, going to see who wakes, who knows what to do, not to do etc. I'm very grateful for being a conscious parent and I hope my kids are learning what I'm intending for them to learn.
We'll see.
I'm grateful we all made Rice Crispy Treats...Smurf Treats hehe Kaden chose to put blue in it and their awesome!

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