Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these

Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these
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Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 75: Morgan H.

On this day I am so very grateful for my friend Morgan.
It feels as though the story of our friendship began before this life and yet we met only 5 short years ago. We went our separate ways, living our own lives. Then on a long nights drive, I called her on our way through Vegas. She didn't respond at first and at the last minute, right before we were about to leave town, she text ed, "yes come stay". There are never any accidents! Dustin and I stayed at her place, talking for hours and catching up on each others lives. It was as though no time had passed at all. It was such a home feeling. Well, she was on the edge of whether she should go to Womens or not and I was the catalyst to which she decided, YES she gets to be there.

Well Women's was just this weekend and what a treat it was to have her in our home during such a sweet experience. We stayed up talking all night Friday and Sat. I am so very grateful for her sharing her gifts, for being a conscious parent, and such an elegant woman. She is the epitome of elegance and feminine energy. I'm so very grateful for her unconditional love, safety and friendship. I love being on the same energy level as someone like her.

One of the favorite blessings I received was changing my perception about a mutual friend of ours. She told Morgan, "Now do you see that I see you? It's so nice for you to see me, past your pain.(paraphrased)" Wow these simple words have shifted my entire view on my friend and I say this. " I love you, I see you, I'm grateful for you and the Stand you take in your life. You inspire me and thank you for seeing me and now I finally see you, past my pain."

Eternally grateful.

What are your blessings today? Please Do Share.

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