Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these

Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these
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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 74: Snow Day

What is;
Axzona is struggling with the new changes in her life and I'm struggling with her struggle.
Kaden chooses to lie and not do his work on time. He chooses to play instead of being focused on school work and learning.
Dustin is honest.
My mother is a great source of learning.

What I've learned from what is;
I've learned that my choice to be depressed over the past year has affected Axzona the most.
I'm also learning to remain gentle with me. Reminding myself that I/Axzona did the best we could with the tools we had.
Even when I feel I've made so much spiritual progress and growth, I still get to cleanse and learn more.
Dustin is great gentle honest loving teacher. He is a conscious parent.
Kaden is learning the way he should and I acknowledge that I get to gently teach him how to learn in different ways. If he chooses to use the tools I give him, then he does; if not, then he doesn't. I've learned that I get to release the need to control and let him have his own power to grow in his way.
My mother is still teaching me, even though she remains aloof.
I've learned who I want to be because of what she chooses to be.
I've learned that I haven't broken the generational cycle....and that it's time to!

I'm grateful for...
Kaden listening to me and being willing to following my lead.
Dustins choice to remain calm, loving and peaceful.
I'm grateful I wasn't a perfect mom today and that I am aware of it. With this knowledge I am able to change the pattern. I'm grateful Dustin is willing to be a mirror and reflect back what I chose not to see on my own.
I'm grateful for my mother respecting her choice in life and know it's for the best that she is in her own world, and not mine.
I'm grateful for Axzona's resiliency and ability to teach me.

I loved waking up to the snow! It was so beautiful and the kids had a great time outside playing in it.
I am grateful for the internet, it has a plethora of recipes. Tonight I made the fam homemade potato cheddar soup....perfect for a cold day.

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