Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these

Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these
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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 73: Learning together

Sis n I did hers 2gether and she worked on Bubba's
Scary face sissy said.
Today I'm grateful for storytime at Landyns school. The story was so cute and fun. It was, "An Old Lady who Swallowed Leaves." Bubba was the only one with me for this and he loved it. We then took home the leaf rub paper so all the kids could do it together, and we got a free book! How cool is that.
I'm also grateful for my baking bug that's still here:) I made 4 dozen Pumpkin Choc Chip cookies (Dustin's favorite) from scratch and mmmm they were delish! I shared the yumminess with our neighbors and friends, nice treat for the cold snow fall that was happening at the time. Again, I'm grateful the kids gave me a hand!

Working with Kaden on his journal writing. Bub took this pic

I'm grateful I was able to remain calm and loving for Axzona today while she was having a rough time. I'm also grateful to be able to teach my children and for them to teach me. Tonight Kaden lied to me. Yes I know, kids lie, however it was one of those; at all cost lies, no matter what you won't know the truth, lie. I got a little mad and then instead I redirected it to teach/learn. I told him about the Glass house of trust my dad used to speak of while we were kids. And that when one lies, it's like throwing a rock at that glass house, which in turn shatters the house/trust. Instead of punishing or disciplining him, I simply said, "you now get to earn my trust back and rebuild the house." I felt like this was way more effective than yelling or discipline. I'm grateful to my dad for this tool and am also grateful for Dustin being such a conscientious parent with me.

A special thanks to Morgan for sharing your gifts with me~

What are your blessings today? Please do share.

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