Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these

Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these
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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 69: Halloween 2011

Redmond Halloween 2k11
Today I am grateful to be an American, to be a part of a society that celebrates dressing up, being silly, and eating tons of candy! It was such a blessing to go to so many doors, nearly 50 or so and be given loads of candy. I have family from New Zealand and Aussie and unfortunately this tradition hasn't hit it off as big as it is here. Strange right? I mean I thought everyone did Halloween, but NOPE! How blessed are we. My sis was telling me that she has put her dog out in the past to avoid the stray trick or treaters, lol.....I love it, I then asked..."wait, do u know that you can just turn your porch light on if you want to trick or treat or OFF, if not?" The answer was clearly no, because the dogs did that. I bet if that rule clicked there, then kids and people would feel safer to do it and not feel like they're imposing on people who don't celebrate the holiday.
Anyways, my Bubba konked out early and turns out it was because he had a fever, poor thing. This year we were a family of princesses and jesters and then we were spiderman, trolls, Dj Lance, Skeleton and Queen....So fun and creative.
I'm especially grateful to my costume provider and friend, Sherri. She supplies us with the most awesome costume winning attire, thanks hun!
She looks more like a Ballerina than a troll

Scary Face time
going hard

LOADED with Candy
Oh I'm also grateful for going to a movie with Kaden. I have a tradition where I take the kids out on their last day of that age to a movie, so it's their last movie as a 7 yr old etc. Kaden and I saw Puss n Boots, super cute fun story.

What are you grateful for? Please do Share.

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