Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these

Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these
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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 68: Day of Rest and Service

Today I am grateful for resting and recouping from a very full busy day. Today is also the day my blog hit 1,000 views....YES 1,000.....incredible! Thank you for following my blog and I hope you're inspired to look at your life with eyes of gratitude.
I'm so excited for when I reach my hundredth post and that will be on December 1st, it's gonna rock!! Although I've taken a few days off from the blog, I'm grateful I've stayed consistent. I always come back, stay committed and connected to gratitude.
We made it to church today, and I'm always so grateful for the warm welcomes we get, even after months of being gone.
I'm also grateful for opportunities to serve. On Saturday, I had over committed and had to cancel on a service project I intended to do, but  b/c of the bday, I had to cancel. Well, I got to make it up today. I went and loaded up the storage unit into the trucks and then got to go to the new Great Life building and serve there. I mopped up all the dust in the new training room, so the carpets could be placed. My heart and mind has been really focused on service, finding ways I can give to the world, universe, just plain give back for all the abundance I'm blessed with.

What are your blessings today? Please do share.

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