Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these

Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these
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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 62: Clean and Busy

The Dream Haunted Cookie House, hehe and no pic of ours, forgot to take pics
I am grateful I was able to accomplish alot today. My room is beautiful and clean, it feels so zen and smells lovely. I finally tackled the task of filtering clothes from spring/summer to fall/winter, yay! Such a huge feet considering I get to do it for 7 people! I'm grateful my back let me get so much done.
We also made Haunted Cookie Houses, lol I love how the pictures on the box make it look soooo easy but in reality, I can't get it like the pic. Oh man it was a mess and I'm grateful I just went with it all and had fun the fam.
We have a super duper busy week ahead...pumpkin pickin/carking tomorrow, FHE, lesson on Joseph Smith b/c apparently Kaden forgot who he was lol during his interview for his baptism. I honestly doubt he actually forgot, Kaden gets nervous and clammed up when it's question time, so he probably knew it but didn't speak his thought. We're working on that with him. Then Tuesday we've got our awesome Family Class, love it b/c it's a tool where Kaden is learning to verbalize himself more and we as parents are learning lots of useful tools as well. Friday is Halloween party night, Saturday is Kadens bday party, then Halloween, Kadens 8th birthday and then the kids Baptism/Blessings....yep lots on my plate and I'm grateful for it all. I love when my life is filled abundantly with celebration and fun. oh and all while this is happening I get to finish up my cleaning project/clothes filter this week. Honestly, I'm grateful we have an abundance of clothes to filter through:)

What are your blessings today? Please Do Share.

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