Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these

Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 57: From the Wise

I am grateful for Landyns school having the Family Class available to us. We get to learn more tools to parenting, tools to dealing with ex's, and most importantly gives our sweet boy a voice again. He's learned for so long from this divorce that the adults will decide his life and he has no voice. It's wonderful hearing what he feels and thinks. I'm grateful for him feeling safe and trusting to open up and share his feelings.

Love from her big brother
I am grateful he is so wise and although he's young, he still is aware enough to choose how he wants his life to go. I'm grateful this class is teaching him to speak his wisdom more.
From his own mouth, " I wish I could visit my mom and live here and Kylie come visit but live there." So very wise to know this solution at 7, and I agree with him; if only she would permit it, everyone's lives could be so much easier and happier. But since that's not happening, I trust in Heavenly Father to handle this situation the way he sees fit.

 I wrote this poem 4 years ago when we all chose to end the 1st war and give him complete stability.

The Angels' students

It's time for me to let go.
For the sake of me,
for the gift I have been given from above.
He gave me a chance to mother another.
To give my love,
My nurturing touch, to heal wounds
My tender voice, to keep calm
My warm heart, a place to rest on.
My open arms, for embracing hugs
My passion for life, to teach and lead.
To be the base of the totem pole,
the very bottom.
For without the base, there would be nothing,
for anyone to depend on.
Cries in the dark night of the forest.
A spirit is wanting me,
calling my name.
Asking for love, guidance, a powerful rock to stand on.
He said he was tired,
tired of being thrown across the oceans,
of being torn between the worlds,
of being scared and alone.
So now everyone has come to his side,
we all finally did decide.
That his angels' are all,
not one,
but each and every soul that he's touched.
So I thank him,
my little angel, bundle of joy and peace.
For giving, for choosing me,
to be what he has searched for.
A mum, a friend, teacher, and a student.
Angels' all around,
from the heavens to this ground.
A thank you is given from his spirit to yours.
April 2007

Kaden James
Kaden my sweet boy, for you, I am grateful to be your mom, I am so very blessed. I will forever be in gratitude to your mom and dad for blessing my life with your spirit.  I always say, "If I had an older brother, I'd want him to be just like you." You are so inspiring, loving, nurturing, powerful, wise, honest, forgiving, fun and passionate. I pray I do all I can to keep you connected to your true spirit, so that you get to share it with the world.
I Axonafir Zed you through the eternities. I choose you and always will, thank you for choosing me~

~I am blessed~

What are your blessings today? Please do share.

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