Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these

Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 54: Vegas and Rest Time Baby

Paris in Vegas
Today we arrived in Vegas at 1am, absolutely exhausted running on 2-3hrs of sleep since Thursday. We planned on heading to St. George that night but it was still 2hrs away and Mili had been such a good baby until Vegas. Let me clarify, she was still super good, just worn out, probably sore from sitting for hours and she was crying, I felt so sad for her and so grateful for her patience. I decided to text my friend, YES that late and she didn't respond. We hung out at the Stratosphere for a few hours to stretch, felt soooo good, so thanks Stratosphere for the reprieve from driving. We put Mili back in her car seat and she was miserable, I was praying so hard that Morgan would call or text and literally within minutes she did!! So fortunately we didn't have to push ourselves, although our dear friend watching our littles may have appreciated that instead, we had to be safe. We fell to sleep, hard! Oh my goodness a bed never looked so great, so THANK YOU Morgan for opening your home at 2 in the morning to us. I really enjoyed reconnecting with you, love ya girl!
Well, the next morning we woke up and poor Mil had a fever, the sickness we'd had for a few days had finally caught up to her, so we called my friend, Catherine and she so graciously gave us permission to take it easy especially with Mili, and not push ourselves to get home. I have since become aware of what sacrifice she really made by giving us this gift. What I didn't know before we left for AZ was that she'd agreed to tending the kids still this weekend; with her daughter's b day party (10girls, in addition to her other girl, my 3 kids and her son) Yes, lets say OVERWHELMING much! It was also her anniversary on sunday. For this sacrifice and choice to GIVE, I am forever grateful because I know from my heart that my presence in the court room guided the Judges decision, therefore she was a huge support in our lives changing forever. I'm grateful I get to pay it forward to her and her sweet hubby, by tending their littles as well. I'm also very grateful to those who came to Catherines aid during the overwhelming moments~
Tired Mili
Deep thoughts
So after visiting with Morgan for a little bit, and Mili having a good amount of stretch time, we decided to leave. Mili, however was still NOT by any means sleepy and was frustrated to be back in that dang car seat....I mean we drove a full 12hrs in one night with only 2 breaks and her fever definitely would set anyone into frustration. With this, we decided to go back to the Stratosphere and stretch more, get her super tired, so she could sleep through the drive.
Grateful for our adventures there.
We left for St. George and had to stop again for a break. We also were able to stop at Dusts cousins home, thank you the Amodt family for supporting us and giving us a place to rest. It was such a lovely visit, plus I learned more about home school, I'm totally excited about that.
Ready to go home, she's finally smiling now
We finally arrived at Catherines at 3am and even though we only lived 20mins away, we had at least 1.5hrs worth of stuff to do still, like; unload the car/load into truck, load sleeping kids, force Mil through more driving, return the car and still drive home on bad brakes all while being exhausted. So I'm very grateful to Wade and Catherine for lending us their couch, it was the best sleep ever, lol.

Smiley Miley is back, so time for the road

What are your blessings for today? Please Do Share.

1 comment:

  1. I'm just now catching up on your past blog posts, and maybe I'm just a little emotional today, but EVERY one makes me cry, even when you don't mention me. ;) Your kind words mean a lot to me. I KNEW deep down how important it was for you to be PRESENT, and because my own sweet niece is now a part of my life again after court room custody battles like you've been experiencing, I would babysit again and again just for you, even on a extra stressful weekend. And I promise most of my weekends are NOT that crazy. I just hope my little ones were well behaved for you during Live BIG Jr. By the way, I had 5 pumpkins originally, but I think I only sent 4 for the kids to color. I can't find that other dang pumpkin!
