Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these

Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 53b: Life after, on Friday

Capture the Joy
I am grateful that my dear friend, whom I was blessed to staff for at her Great Life training over a year ago. She tended our Amelia for a few hours. I even more grateful that we got to rest at her house so we could get home safely, especially since Dust and  I were sick and exhausted. Amelia was given a break from the car seat too, so so grateful for Emily's open home and heart.
We attempted seeing Kylie since we were there, but she wouldn't allow it. We didn't press the matter either because we wanted to respect her space, since we're sure she was struggling with the decision the Judge made.
Anyways, we get to see her this week, unless she decides not to. I'm super excited to see Kylie, it's been 1yr7mos3wks4days, lol not that I was counting or anything. I'm grateful to finally be reunited with my children's sweet sister, my husband loving daughter and my butterfly fairy.

There was a twist though, she came back and finally said she wants to do King Solomon, I mean really? Screw everyone over for more than a year and then when the strategy goes down the drain, do the deal? uh frustrating, anyways, there's a lot of other factors that make this choice of hers a joke.

On our way to Vegas, we stopped at this awesome mall, WestGate in Phoenix, man it was huge! It was so lovely to get a break from driving but most importantly give Mili a break. Grateful for the beautiful So. African woman who adored our baby girl. 

What are your blessings for today? Please Do Share.

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