Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these

Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these
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Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 53a: Verdict is in

~Our Sweet Kylie Jade~ <3
The day began with a 12hr drive from UT based on a last minute decision for me to be present for the hearing.
We arrived in AZ and Amelia was still so wonderful and a great blessing.
We ate breakfast at the same Denny's we ate over a year ago when I lost my last case, it wasn't even on purpose, lol. Both Dustin and I had the worst stomach aches ever, the anxiety was taking over. So many nerves about what the Judge would decide, what our future would hold, seeing her and her family, the hopes of reuniting with his much in limbo that morning, only an hour to go.
I thought this was funny, we stopped at Anytime Fitness for me to do my hair. So thank you Anytime Fitness for the use of your facilities. Both Dustin and I got dressed in the BK bathroom, hehe, so thank you BK:)
So we arrived back at the same court room in which I lost at the year prior. A lot of heartache, pain and trauma had occurred at this place and I was shaken. Anxiety had taken over even more and I was shaking. I am soooo very grateful to Emily for tending our Amelia while we handled this, sooo blessed!
Angel of Mine
So, before we went in, I couldn't breathe, stand, let alone Dustin grabbed my hand and said a prayer. Now granted, I am a dramatic character at times, but trust me on this one, this was not one of those cases, a lot of factors led to my state prior to court. I was mostly shaken to my core about having to see her. Just having to be in the same space as her, or risk eye contact with the person who has caused me so much agony and pain for almost 2 years was the part I was most afraid of, pained over.
I was held in his arms
Anyways, it was such a powerful prayer, my breathing began to steady, heart slowed to a normal pace, the shaking stopped, the nerves ended. I felt complete peace and the spirit with me. Visions of the Lord, Heavenly Mother, Christ, and my angels holding me, lifting me high, spreading my wings, boosting my courage to another level, so thank you Dustin for this support and guidance, thank you my Heavenly Family for this support. I then started saying to myself:
"I choose this stretch, My Spirit is FREE!"

"I choose this stretch, my spirit is free" and "I walk across these burning hot coals and my spirit remains in perfect condition." A set of phrases used for another purpose but that I apply to my "difficult" moments in my life. I also got out of victim mode by saying: "This is happening FOR me NOT TO me!" You wouldn't believe what power those words have, it's amazing seeing what this manifests.
"I walk across these burning hot coals & my spirit remains in perfect condition"
Armed with my Heavenly Family, Earthly Family, these phrases I felt courage and empowerment. we went in and got up to the 2nd floor and Dustin went around the corner 1st b/c I didn't want to, even with all of my phrases, lol and sure enough it was the wrong floor haha. silly. As we got off the 3rd floor, he checked again and she was not there and actually no one was. I went to the bathroom because my stomach was in turmoil and when I came out, there was my attorney, whom I'd never met in person. She's been representing me for 4mos already and she is stunning, and a perfect reflection of me. You see, if I were an attorney I'd be just like her, passionate, powerful, loving, compassionate and clear. She ROCKS!!  We did some review of the case with Heidi and then her attorney walked in, but still no sign of her and by this time it was 8:20am, 10mins from the hearing. The moment came, we all entered the court, still no sign of her or anyone from her family. Finally, Heidi asked where she was and he said he's not sure she's coming, b/c she's sick. Sick?? What, so.....OK AWESOME!! My heart skipped a beat, I was beyond elated. I knew although she wasn't required to appear that her absence was definitely in my favor. Simply because now it was predominately my energy in the room, that the judge would see and experience. The clerk asked her attorney if she'd be showing up telephonic ally and he told her no, she's sick. The Judge came in and coughed and said, "court rooms make you cough" (He was cracking a JOKE, lol mocking the fact that she wasn't there...get it, court rooms tend to make people sick, lol, AWESOME and so didn't get it until the next day lol, talk about delayed reaction.)
So the hearing pursued. Her attorney wanted for me to have to have an evidentiary hearing which would entail more costs, and getting my witnesses to AZ, etc. My attorney argued that was a burden for me (and it was) and that her should dismiss it altogether b/c UT has it handled. Her attorney argued that if it was dismissed then she couldn't adequately protect and we said UT had it setup already. Anyways, the Judge asked some really good questions, etc. It was a different type of hearing b/c he was quiet ALOT, and while he was, so was everyone. The silence was deafening. The Judge then sat there for what seemed like an eternity, Heidi wrote me a few notes saying, "am I yelling?" I said yep, lol and she said, "I am just so passionate." I just smiled, b/c I GET her more than she knows. She asked, where I think he is, he seems to flip flop." and i agreed.

      " All while we were doing this, Dustin was sitting back there doing his own thing, I'll share b/c it's super powerful and I'm grateful for it.
  Dustin told me later that as the Judge was thinking, he was trying to read the Judges energy and found no read. He then said, " With the power of the Melchezidek priesthood which I hold, I compel you to leave." He went on to explain that he saw this darkness leave the Judges mind and the moment that Dustin said this, the Judge resumed speaking. Just thought this was awesome and pretty neat."

Dustin told me later that the Judges silence went on for 5mins! Lol no wonder it felt like an eternity!

Ok so down to the final verdict:

He DID NOT grant her the evidentiary hearing she requested and NOR did he grant me my dismissal. Instead he met us in the middle, he modified the papers to say that I am allowed around Kylie according to the papers UT set forth!
This means so very much, it means I can finally be reunited with Kylie and now it opens up the possibility of Kylie being in our custody. THANK YOU Judge Owens, forever grateful, you changed my life in more ways than you will ever know.
So as I sat there wondering if this was it, can we go, are we done, I want to go jump up and down for joy already lol. But nope, not it; my attorney requested she be responsible for my attnys fees which was incurred from her attack. Unfortunately I was not granted this, but this did not happen to me, it happened for me; I now get to ensure my attorney receives her much deserved money.
I wanted pictures to capture this momentous day!
We left the courtroom, Heidi was bummed, she wanted it thrown out altogether and for A to be responsible for the money. But I have WAY too much to be grateful for to nitpick and keep me as a victim.
Her attorney shook Heidi's hand before leaving and then turned to me and said, "Goodluck" ~Thank you, I say.
Dustin and I got outside, left Heidi and I jumped in his arms with so much joy, crying, overwhelmed by all the love and support, the feeling of Justice finally coming to fruition is beyond words~Thank you again for this.

WestGate Mall in AZ, stretching and giving Mili a break, she was so done with the car seat

Mr. Lee, the support from which I received, Heidi
~Thank you VERY VERY much Heidi and Mr. Lee for representing me, you changed my life forever. Thank you to ALL those who have supported me with love, light, good vibes, or prayers over the past year of my journey, my stretch to be a better me. Thank you to everyone who assisted me financially to guarantee I have an attorney this year, it made a world of difference. Thank you my Heavenly Family for lifting me up when I felt to weak to stand on my own, thank you for carrying me through with love and clarity, thank you for everything. And last but DEFINITELY not least, thank you Dustin and my sweet patient, loving, forgiving, compassionate children, it's been a rough year and I'm grateful this part is over! And to our Butterfly Fairy, Kylie, for you we love, thank you sweetheart.~ (, check out the poem I wrote for Kylie this year.)

I am blessed.

What are your blessings for today? Do Share.

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