Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these

Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 50: Annual Inventory

Today I am grateful for reflection. Reflecting back on the past year of my life and all that I've actually accomplished, enjoyed and been blessed with. It's a wonderful tool to Honestly gauge how I'm filling my life and my days. I shall begin from last January, lol which is ALOT to remember, hope I can remember alot of it. I just feel with how much has happened in the past year and half I deserve to give myself credit and acknowledge the greatnesses in my life.

January 2010:
1. I got to enjoy time with Kylie. We played at Chuckee Cheeses, drew pictures, played, sang, danced and were a reunited family, whole.
2. We got family photos done, with everyone in them
3. We had fun at a circus, the best ever! Even better than Barnum
4. Last time I saw Kylie
 February 2010:
1. Shamans Way Workshop, blessed with connection and clarity.
2. Got a super cute hair cut, 12inches, gone! 
3. Accusations made 
4. Mom disconnected herself from my life. 
March 2010:
1. Kaden had his lip surgery and I was able to support him through that.
2. Played at the zoo with the family
3. Investigation complete and police found nothing.
April 2010: 
1. April 2nd, received completely closed case from Kaysville.
2. Easter filled with loads of candy, fun, play and celebrating with Grama/pa and Dusts fam.
May 2010: 
1. Celebrated 2nd wedding anniversary at the Anniversary Inn and by going out dancing.
2. Served with injunction.
3. Mothers day, got to celebrate with my babies and I received flowers from my dad and Dustin/kids.
4. Prepared for court without an attorney, a very huge learning experience.
June 2010:
1. June 4th represented myself in court, not a great day.
2. June 5th, celebrated life and my family at the zoo.
3. Blessing from friend, Emily Coon, to escape to Park City for a few days. Came at the perfect time.
4. Called by AZ CPS to say case was being closed b/c they found no evidence of anything in Kylie!!
5. Attending my cousin Lyndees wedding n visiting my Lichfield family.
6. While reconnecting with my brother n Dad.
7. Got to finally meet my new bonus mom, Lois.
July 2010:
 1. Womens retreat, escape to Idaho, so so beautiful, lovely connecting with women and learning to trust women again, since everything that had happened thus far had been because of women.
2. Staffed Part 2 of Great Life Group 268, really expanding my learning, love n experience in life. Felt supported on my journey while I supported others with theirs.
3. I celebrated my 27th Birthday, while staffing at Great Life and was able to enjoy the day with those I cherish and my birthday twin:)
4. Had a blast at the Kaysville Parade, the best I've ever been to! I love it b/c there's a water fight btwn 30k+ people in the city, it rocks! We also were able to celebrate that day with his family too. It was an abundant day b/c I also celebrated the evening with my friend Kari and her fam. Dust was at work.
5. Attended Shamans Way workshop with Dustin, such a lovely powerful experience of connecting spiritual.

 August 2010:
1. I was blessed with the opportunity to use my gifts. I photographed my buddy, Angela's Bridal phots and loved them. I'm so proud of my work, I'm grateful for this talent.
2. I got to attend Angelas wedding as well as reconnect with another buddy,  Billie. I'm so grateful for still being connected to those 2 beautiful buddies of mine, after 5 yrs.
3. Our first family trip to Bear Lake, soooo beautiful there and a perfect escape from reality at that time.  
4. We stayed at KOA, went to the Blue Pond Spring, explored a Minnetonka cave, played in the Bear Lake and ate scrumptious Raspberry Shakes...mmmm it's what makes Bear Lake even more awesome! 
5. Finally made it to Pioneer place by the Hogle Zoo, lol forgot the u know?
6. I had the courage to enroll my neighbor, my mom into attending Great Life. I prayed about whom to ask and I was told she would change many lives by her going. It was such a powerful experience. I also, enrolled Dustin into attending again. It was pretty awesome b/c he attended 170 and last year was in 270!!! Beautiful how life works.
7. I felt I was pregnant, but no tests were showing it.
8. My niece was born!! Sophie-Lyn was going to be Amelia per my and my nanas recommendation. Except Lili found it wasn't her daughters name and thus came up with Sophie-Lyn:) I then realized it was my baby girls name. You see I've dreamt of all my children at some point in time, at this time of my life I have a girl and boy waiting to arrive.

September 2010: 
1. I was very fortunate/blessed to be Mom Adams and Dustins Angel. Dustin was my Angel 4 yrs prior, 40 groups ago in Great Life #220! I'm very grateful they accepted this gift and have shifted their lives and mine in so many ways.
2. I found out I was pregnant!
3. 4days later I miscarried, this was an interesting experience.
4. I got to staff Dustin/Mom Adamss Brilliance Training, an honor.
5. I got blessed to connect with all the people in GL 270 and they forever changed my days.
October 2010: 
1. Celebrated Halloween as Snow White, Axzona was her too. Dustin was our Prince Charming, Kaden was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, Bubba was Dash and Kylie was an Egyptian Goddess.
November 2010: 
1. Became a Deeksha Blessing Giver, and healed many past experiences.
2. Reconnected with my mom and had a beautiful moment of connection.
3. Adopted our kitties; Cooper and Kizzy.
4. Dustin and Axzona got to see Disney on Ice.
5. Decorated our xmas tree~
6. Service Project: Thanksgiving Dinner for the homeless
7. Celebrated Kadens 7th Birthday and Landyns 4th!
8. Enjoyed Thanksgiving Dinner as a family
9. Went Black Friday xmas shopping with Dustins mom, she gave us some spending money, so thankful for! 
10. Went and visited Santa!!
11. Nov. 19th spiritually knew I was pregnant since Nov 5th.

December 2010: 
1. My dad came for XMAS!! As a family we went to Temple Square for the beautiful lights and we were so blessed by my dads generosity and love. He was definitely our Santa! Thank you Daddy-O
2. Axzona turned 3; she and I went out and celebrated by eating out and seeing a movie together the night before her bday. (Tangled, I did the same for Bubbas day before his birthday.) My thinking is, the last movie they will ever see at that age;)~
3. Celebrated xmas again when KJ got home and was able to welcome the NEW YEAR with him for the first time in 2 yrs. It was so wonderful to welcome the new year as a family and party at the Kaysville New Yrs party and then running to Dustins work to be with him at midnight, hehe, so fun!
4. Grandma and Mom (Djs mom) being so generous with our family.
5. Dec. 2nd, confirmed I was pregnant with blood test!

January 2011:
1. NO Clue, lol I don't remember a dang thing haha oops...wait we went to that circus again, it was way cool. Except the Motor Bike trick went a stray. Still a great show.
2. Dustin got his 1st book published, just as he said he would have. The Unfinished Me, it's so cool b/c it's available on AMAZON.COM! I'm in awe of him.

February 2011:
1. Attended couples with Dustin, after waiting 4.5yrs!! So grateful for the experience and learning MANY MANY useful tools that I use to this day. Like being an effective listener and letting go of the past; what keeps us apart.

2. Tax season, gave us a little bit of comfort.
3. Went out with my friend Kari for massages, mani/pedis, movies, hotel stays, swimming, and karaoking at the club....such a great weekend.
4. Kylie got to visit with Dustin and the kids, I know everyone enjoyed it. I wish I could've seen her and been able to love her like I do my other littles.
5. Grandpa Lichfield graduated this life. We went to St. George for the funeral.
6. Dad gave us the Dodge Durango, life saver!
7. Our car window was broken by someone while Kylie was here and then when taken to the shop, the engine was ruined even more by the mechanic, so it was great timing for my Dad giving us the Dodge.
8. Began working at a daycare and stopped within 4 days, lol.
9. Landyn was able to attend Bravo academy, so awesome seeing him learn, especially the sign language and music.

March 2011: 
1. Early Bday prezzie for DJ; we went to his 1st concert, LADY GAGA!! It rocked, best ever!
2. Joined a group of women, powerful, honest, loving, safe, and expanding in their lives, great connection.
3. Festival of Colors: this is where we went and played with chalk, it's an Indian tradition, soooo fun!
4. Began posing for pregnant photos this month (4mos pregnant)

April 2011:
1. Celebrated Easter in St. George; painted eggs, went to church with Grandma, Easter baskets, hunted Easter eggs, played in the water pad in ST. G
2. My friend Kari attended court as my surrogate, so I'd know what happened without exposing myself to that stress. The kids and I went to Rio on April 18th while it was happening.

May 2011:  
Mothers day
1. 3rd yr Anni at Anniversary Inn and saw Thor.
2. Served with the 2nd injunction and was connected with an amazing attorney by a church friend, so blessed.
3. Really grasped that whenever I need money it has always been available to me, through one way or another. Blessed. I got to create a money tree in Life Group.
4. Playing at the park, drawing chalk on the sidewalks, picnicing and feeding the ducks.
5. Played at the zoo with sista' Belyn and our niece/nephew. Also played with Aunt Gayla/Uncle Randy n fam too.
6. Explored the TreeHouse Museum in Ogden with Landyns school, so fun and cute.
7. Pain in my mouth STOPPED, so grateful
8. I came to know Amelia's full name. It was going to be Amelia Phoenix-Melody (lol, so happy we nixed this, even tho the meaning of Phoenix is rising from the ashes is beautiful, but too close
9. Amelia Melody-Grace became her name b/c it's been by the Grace of God that I've remained so intact through the past years journey. Amelia was my saving Grace. 
10. Amelia Melody-Grace actually means: Work of the Lord Music-Blessing...pretty beautiful if you ask me and oh so fitting to who she is.

June 2011:  
1.  Celebrated Kits Birthday at the Wings of Love ceremony. It was so beautiful and freeing to whisper our messages to the butterflies and then release them to carry it to the person we love. ~Kit, Grandad, Grandpa you are loved~
2. Kaden left for AZ:( and broke his arm 4hrs after arriving.
3. Dustin manifested his Motorcyle!! I love it b/c it saves us so much gas.
4. Pirate Day at the zoo.
5. Celebrated our nephews 3rd Birthday with him.
6. Splash pad fun at the Gateway with the littles. 
7. Dustin got his 2nd book Published; Standing Tall, so proud of him. 
8. This month I got the opportunity to create $2500 and I did it in a day! I am so very grateful to ALL my family, our taxes, friends and especially God for providing me the way to pay for my attorney. This opportunity of creation will continue through October.

July 2011:  
1. Enjoyed the Kaysville Parade for the 3rd yr! So awesome, again especially the water fight hehe.
2. Celebrated the fireworks with the Adams at the top of the hill in Kaysville, such a beautiful view of different angles.
3. Great Life shifted out of the building into the world, I said my final goodbyes to the home away from home, that I've known for 5 yrs. I've only ever been in one place longer than that and that was yea it was a pretty intense shift at the time.

4. Partied for my 27th birthday and celebrated Amelia, baby shower and food fight hehe with cake mixes, had such a blast. I felt so very loved on that day by my family, Dustins and friends! Thank you all for making it such a great day!
5. Photo shoot with my family, during my last few weeks of pregnancy. Thank you Jan!
6. Court, lies told, so continued for a later date.

7. Amelia Melody-Grace Redmond born on July 31st 2011!! So grateful for my Angel my blessing coming to me now; she knew this was the best time.

August 2011:  
1. The siblings got to meet Amelia at the hospital. Thank you Aunt Gayla/Uncle Randy for tending our littles that weekend!

2. Kylie was so happy to see her new sister on Skype.
3.  Jan captured the most beautiful first few days of Amelias life, age: 4 days.
4. Redmond Reunion! 
5. Got to reconnect with old friends, Val n fam:)
6. Played at the Davis County fair as a fam hehe so fun
7.Great Life 270 BBQ at Danielles, so lovely connecting with all of them again!
8. Celebrated with Great Life 268 for their 1yr reunion, so so fun and filled with unity and love; grateful.
9. Axzona began the neighborhood Preschool, love it!
10.  Court again, lies. Lies CLEARED!!
11. Kaden went in for surgery on his wrist b/c they let him swim with his cast on, so it grew back crooked.
12. CPS involved and actually blessing our lives, assisting us with the truth.
September 2011:
1. Judge reopened case b/c we got the doc to prove the lies. So grateful for this b/c usually Judges don't ever do this and he has!
2. Judge enforced a hearing earlier than when papers were due.
3. Blessed to do a photo shoot with my girls!! Such beautiful ladies.
4. Bear Lake!! So gratefu l for enjoying the vaca away, it was a beautiful experience, of course! 
5. Amelia a month old, sheesh how times flies.
6.Took school pics of the littles.
7. Celebrated our friends sons 1st bday!  
8. Flew to So Carolina and got to meet my new family. Was such a warm loving welcome. It's something I've missed. They remind of my family in NZ.
9. Figured out how to go to movies for free!! go to, register and they send free tix. Also, go to Big Movie-Mouth off on FB and like them, they will update you on movies here in UT, love it!
10. Got to see 50/50 and Dolphin Tale for FREE, yep not a dime.  No CATCH, love it.
11. So blessed to feel supported by friends when I needed someone to tend my babies while I thought I would be in AZ.
October 2011:
1. Thus far in October, grateful for being there for my Dads wedding!! Love loved it
2. My Amelia was sooooo cherished in So. Carolina and I miss that for my kids; I loved it:)
3. Got to support my buddies while they staffed by tending their son. He was so precious!
4. I also got to support my other buddies in their marriage journey by tending their 3littles.
5. Have been given an opportunity to gain more tools, by attending a Step Family Class, it rocks. I love gaining tools!
6. The Judge dismissed the injunction!! Soooo grateful.
7. Got to connect with my group of women friends; who truely stand in their power and inspire me to stand in my truth.
8. The rest of this month looks so AWESOME and filled with abundance, YAY!!

Thank you for taking the time to read my blessings over the past year. I know it was ALOT, I did pretty awesome remembering. If you wish yo see any pics that go with the months, check out my facebook photos section.
I'll do another inventory next October! And actually I really love this tool. Really clears up my heart; I had an awesome year and better yet I did an awesome job at creating wonderful memories for my children.

Last time we were together as a family, Grateful for more moments like these. Jan 2k10
What have you filled your year with?

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