Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these

Books by D.R. James~ Yes he really wrote & published these
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Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 48: Set in Stone

Today I am grateful for being friends with powerful, grounded, loving, honoring women of light. I'm blessed just by knowing them and experiencing the clear intent of each of their hearts. I am so grateful we finally got together in person, I miss touch and connection in that way. Although I love cyber and telephone connection, touch and personal contact with another human is so beautiful. I was able to get super clear about my life and what gets to happen, what is/has already happened. I am soooo very grateful to my friend Amy, she really assisted me with getting through some major blocks and now I am in love with clarity and intention. So one of the things we discussed was how I was being prompted to write down what happens on Oct. 14th, as if it were already come and gone. So she said, "well verbalize it instead, so you can create it and get through the blocks to the sweet reward of creating it." (paraphrasing)

Here's what I know and here's what came to pass:
Love, Truth and Light is Set in Stone

Yesterday, October 14th, I was on the phone call for my court hearing. It began with the Judge asking her/her attorney why they lied to him, to explain themselves. They really didn't have any answers or ways out of their lies. Everything they said, the Judge saw right through to the truth and he decided within minutes that the injunction should be dismissed. They did try to say that she's objecting the papers and therefore they aren't official yet, but he just came back with, well nothing has been changed, this is what's in place and furthermore, you trying to change it, even acknowledges on another level that you were well aware of the paperwork being truthful. He said it looks like UT has it handled and feels supervision is enough, there is no reason for AZ to have an extra protection in place, since UT has taken precautions in this matter.
Furthermore, because she lied to his face about the supervision and visitation schedule for both kids, and wasted everyone's time and money that she is NOW responsible for all of my attorneys fees! He even reprimanded her attorney for not doing his full research, for lying to him on her behalf, he decided he wouldn't take him to the bar but that this is a warning.

I am just so grateful to God and the Judge for the truth being seen in the light and that because of her actions she is responsible for the money owed to my attrny. I just couldn't imagine being responsible for something she created, she gets to be accountable. Who knows, maybe she will allow visits with Kylie, b/c all of her skullduggery is not working and only the truth and light is working.

So so elated about today and the power of creation. Thank you to all of my guides, Angels, GOD, the Judge, my husband, my children, including Kylie for their love and patience over the past year and a half and the attorneys for clearing this mess up. I am blessed. I am a stand for Truth, Innocence and Justice.~

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